Story, Thoughts

For Love and Travel

love and travel
For our 5th year wedding anniversary, Shaun and I got his/her matching tattoos.

I would just like to start out by saying that this is a terribly mushy tale. For those of you who are squeamish about romance and love stories, I would suggest leaving now. πŸ˜› This is our story of love and travel.

Honestly, I didn’t think about even telling this story until I was having a dinner with @TheMaidenVoyage and @OlgaLG. Their squees of delight made me realize that this was probably a tale I should tell.

Not many people are aware that Shaun and I have been together for a better part of 12 years now. We were high school sweethearts that never managed to shake each other off and over the years have grown together. Neither of us had any clue that we would eventually plan on conquering the world in our own personal crusade as we got older. I would even venture to say that traveling never really crossed our minds as a viable option.

In previous posts, I had mentioned that as a wee child I had read Island of the Blue Dolphins in school. Honestly, I cannot even tell you the plot today but this placed a romanticized ideal of Barbados into a 10 year old Erica’s head. That was when I realized that there were other places in the world and this mystical place called Barbados should be visited.

Flash forward 8 years.

Shaun and I had been dating for a couple of years and during one of our dates, he sheepishly reaches into his pocket and pulls out something shiny and copper.

β€œThis is for you.”

Upon closer inspection I realize that he has handed me a Barbados penny that he had happened to come across in his search for foreign coins to add to his collection.

β€œIf you keep this, I will take you to Barbados one day.”

I store it away in my memory box for safe keeping. Thus began our first experience with love and travel.

Flash forward 3 years.

Shaun proposes to me in a photobooth (yes, it is caught on film). In the whirlwind of wedding planning, we decide to have a minimalistic, cheap wedding and a blowout honeymoon. I go to my memory box and pull out the still shiny penny. Shaun smiles. We know where we’re going.

After scrimping and saving (I am in college at the time and paying it for myself), we manage to find a cheap flight and lodgings and our date was set.

Little did we know that this experience would change our lives forever.

We were not only in love with each other, but our hearts were in love with travel.

Love and travel go hand in hand.

46 thoughts on “For Love and Travel”

  1. Congratulations on your <3 and I love the design! I want to get a new tattoo also and who knows? maybe one day get a matching one also. ewwww.. hahaha..

  2. @wanderlass: Believe me – recounting the story is disgustingly sweet. I can’t believe it happened to us of all people. If I wasn’t traveling, I would have both my sleeves by now (and so would Shaun).

  3. Not a big love story guy but the tattoo’s are super cool! I can now say that travelling is worth saving on the tattoo’s but only just! Kirsty likes what I want to get done so looks like it’s game on for a tattoo in Thailand. Just need to find a decent shop!

  4. Still so freakin’ cute πŸ™‚ I’m glad Olga and I got that story out of you and that you wrote about it! Such a cute love story.

  5. Now this is a great story. My only complaint? I want to see the pics from the photo booth and maybe a shot of Barbados. Glad you decided to listen to Olga and Emily. They know a good story when they hear one.

  6. @Poi: Thank you! Shaun is getting a Dia de los Muertos sleeve so at least it would match his – although still trying to figure out how it fits into my Nightmare Before Christmas sleeve… Good luck finding a shop!

  7. @Greg: I thought about that – however, most of our pictures are packed away and in storage in preparation for our upcoming trip. I really wish I could have posted them!

  8. awww. this is so cute! I LOVE the photobox engagement. Shaun – you are very creative – go teach other men πŸ™‚ !!!

    I love the tattoos but when will you put up the photobox pictures? I gotta see ’em πŸ™‚

  9. Love love love the story, love the tattoos!!
    Would 5 years be a good time to start it all over again with a different foreign coin? πŸ˜‰

    Congrats to you both! xx

  10. @Cris: We’re going to be celebrating our 7th anniversary in Mexico (on our big backpacking trip) so I think this trip will have to make up for getting another coin. ♥

  11. Great story! Traveling will only help the two of you grow closer together, even though you’ll be far away from the rest of us.

  12. Erika! I am so glad you shared this story with the world. It is truly a fairytale story…one that inspires us all that true love exists. Your story inspires me to remember that those childhood fantasies can be realities.

    You guys rock! πŸ™‚

  13. Erica, Great shot. Love how you had everything grey out but the tat stand out. I love your love story. I’ve been dating my fiance for 10 years now and I know we’re lucky to have that special one who r there for you. Best to you too!

  14. @Bryan: Thank goodness we can stand each other for long periods of time. I am so looking forward to “us” time. He works so much and our schedules conflict when I’m doing my projects.

  15. @Olga: Hey now, while there are fantasies that can be realities, I tell people often that it isn’t always roses. While there have been good times, we definitely have been at our worst. I’m just glad we can work through it. πŸ˜€

  16. Awww, what an awesome story. I don’t care if it’s mushy; it’s definitely worth telling! How cute about the Barbados penny.

  17. @Amanda: Thank you for your kind words. I’m kind of bashful about writing relationship stories since we’ve been together for so long.

  18. I love your tattoos!! Those are fantastic. And I really enjoyed your story =) As a travelling couple ourselves, it is always lovely to read about other romances. Did it take you a long time to find an artist and decide what you wanted to get for your tatts? The artwork rocks!!! ~Andrea

  19. @Andrea: The artist is the fiance of a friend of mine and I really liked his style. He is probably the fastest I’ve seen and the lightest hand I’ve experienced. Actually, I liked him so much that I got him to do my chest piece.

  20. It’s great that you know a good artist that you like so much – I’d love to get another tattoo at some point, but I think finding the right artist is a challenge. The one I have is pretty basic so I never really had to think about it before.

  21. @Andrea: I became really picky in regards to tattoo artists after working in a shop for 3 years so it takes me a while to find people that I like. My general rule of thumb is, “Don’t get it until you find someone that will compliment the style of the tattoo you want.” Not every artist will be able to translate it “correctly”.

  22. I am so jealous of you, you know πŸ™‚ It was meant to be!! How sweet of you. You guys can right a romantic travel book later. Starts with your awesome history! πŸ™‚

  23. @Juno: A romantic travel book? lol – Shaun was rolling his eyes at me when I told him I was writing the post. I an only imagine what he would do if I tried to write a book!

  24. Awww I love you guys!! Yes, it was mushy, but I survived. πŸ˜‰ I love this post not only because it’s an inspiring, cinematic love story that not all of us get to enjoy, but because you two have such a real, passionate love of travel.

  25. Great story! I actually read that book as a child but had forgotten about it until you mentioned it πŸ˜‰ Congrats on 5 years and I’m assuming you had a fantastic time in Barbados if it ignited a love for travel.

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