Disclaimer: These steps should not be followed unless you have received permission from the homeowner (in this case, Talon from 1 Dad 1 Kid while in Utila, Honduras) to gain entry to the premises by any means necessary. It is also written assuming you have no tools (just like MacGyver or Chuck Norris [err scratch that… Chuck Norris would just roundhouse-kick the door down]). Additionally, it may be a good idea to exhaust other options first, such as contacting the land lord or other people who may have spare keys.
Step 1: Locate an accessible window in which the glass slats are open (angled)
Step 2: Sidle over to the window, avoiding the lagoon runoff. Falling into this water may have dire consequences, such as: smelling like lagoon, being pinched by one of those crabs with the one giant claw and the one little claw, or smelling like lagoon while being pinched by one of those crabs with the one giant claw and one little claw.
Step 3: Remove enough of the window slats to cram assist the smallest nearby person through. You may also need to remove the screen and curtains (if applicable).
Step 4: Put the microwave in the sink. Sometimes it may block entry through the window, other times it’s just fun.
Step 5: Lift the tiny person and turn him sideways as you guide him through the window. Please note, this part is quite dangerous and should only be attempted by very good looking, strong people.
Step 6: Sit back, relax, and profit. Once the door has been unlocked, you can reassemble the window. That is, unless you find yourself locked out of your house frequently. Although, if this is the case, I recommend selling or damaging anything worth stealing and just removing your front door.
haha good job! This makes me want to play stick man wars!
I’m seriously laughing out loud. This is the funniest freaking post ever!!! I love the drawings!
Bravo, Shaun! Those pics are genius – especially the one with the wee rulers!
Scene: Me falling into the lagoon runoff. With fist raised she yelled “Oh DAM IT ! I just got pinched by the one giant claw one small claw crab AND I smell like lagoon!!!!! ”
P.S. I love how the crab has a tiny party hat.I mean…how FREAKIN cute is that?!
So freaking hilarious!
Even the funny crab got a hat! i love it! “should only be attempted by very good looking, strong people.”
I’m laughing so hard right now!!!
HAHAHA, the little computer animations were so funny!!! Love it!
wow this is indescribably awesome. Smelling like lagoon and getting pinched by a grab would be a nightmare!!! So funny. NIcely done Shaun.
@ Poi – It’s always a good time for stick man wars!
@ Sheryll – Aww, thanks! <3
@ Dyanne – Hehe, glad you enjoyed it! ^
@ Kristina – It just wouldn’t have been right to celebrate without crabby. 😛
@ Talon – Couldn’t have done it without you. I’m so glad we got locked out of your house. <3
@ Laura – We made due with what we had. Luckily Talon was strong enough and pretty enough for the both of us.
@ Andi – That’s okay, so long as you learned something! 😛
@ Kyle – You mean funny and educational, right? 😉
@ Phil – This is true. I’m pretty sure smelling like lagoon and being pinched by crabs is a torture technique used by Satan himself, though this claim is unsubstantiated.
HILARIOUS graphics, man! hahahaha. this deserves applause. *applause*
Ahaha that was so brilliant. Please make more of those how-to !!!
Aww, even the crab got a hat — win!!
@ Paul – WOOT! Thanks!! 😀
@ Alex – Glad you liked it, we will totally keep them coming!
@ Heather – Yeah, he was pretty proud of us too!
Haha! I’m glad the crab also made it into the house in this break-in.
omg!!! hahahahah!!!!
@ Suzy – Yeah, he is kind of a big deal.
@ Jasmine – I was considering making a How To: Avoid Ex-Pats in San Miguel post too… 😛
I love the party hats, hilarious!
Love the illustrations. Kids are good for moments like this 🙂
@ Stephanie – Yeah, taking a light-hearted approach to things like getting locked out of your house goes a long way. 🙂
@ Ayngelina – Thanks! 😀
I love step 6 — “Sit back, relax, and profit”. Are you sure you guys don’t have ads on late night TV? 🙂
@ Raymond – Heh. If you purchase this guide, we’ll not only double your order but also throw in not 4, not 5, not 10, but 473 party hats!!! Now that’s a deal you can’t say no to.
hahaha…awesome drawings too!
@ Fede – Thanks! <3