I’m from Texas - born n’ raised! Hell, I have a massive chest tattoo of the Lone Star, horseshoes, guns, smoke, and our state flower, the yellow rose. If I know anything, it is beef. Yes, we live in Austin, home of the most vegetarians per capita in our grand ol’ state but it is… Continue reading Texas vs. Argentina: THE BEEF OFF
Author: Erica
Video: Tango in San Telmo
If you checked out our Monday's photo essay on San Telmo, then you already know that this is the place to go for your free Sunday tango performance. 😀 There is a big square in the middle of it all - covered with antique vendors of all kinds. Meander your way to the middle. Get… Continue reading Video: Tango in San Telmo
Photo Essay: San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
If you happen to find yourself in Buenos Aires on a Sunday afternoon, definitely head down to San Telmo to check out the Sunday Market. I couldn't help but smile as it reminded me of the quirkiness of south Austin - musicians, antique markets, street art, performances, and the sweet aroma of food filled the… Continue reading Photo Essay: San Telmo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Food Porn: Losing Our Argentine Steak Virginity
Man cannot live on bread alone. -Jesus Man cannot live on meat alone. -No one, ever In Argentina, it was my goal to prove that second statement has never been said because it simply isn’t true. Food in Argentina spoiled us. Our first meat-filled engagement took place at La Monumental in Salta and like every… Continue reading Food Porn: Losing Our Argentine Steak Virginity
Onward to Buenos Aires!
I’ll admit it. It was a little bit scary. Getting onto the plane and realizing we’re heading to the last city of our trip was terrifying. Luckily for us we had a support group of friends already in Buenos Aires awaiting our company. Pacho (you may know him from our Puenting ordeal or in our… Continue reading Onward to Buenos Aires!
Hangin’ with CloudHead in Salta, Argentina
Besides hanging out with our new adopted family from Salta, Shaun and I got to participate in an awesome project - CloudHead. Noah and Leigh (you may know her as @thefutureisred) run an amazing NGO in Salta that brings people together to create experiences that may otherwise not exist. In this case, they brought in… Continue reading Hangin’ with CloudHead in Salta, Argentina
Tramspotting: Teleferico in Salta, Argentina
While we did manage to spend most of our time on the outskirts of Salta, one of our must dos was to visit the Teleferico in Salta, Argentina. We are no stranger to trams on this Latin American adventure. I'm a firm believer that you can see a city in a new light when you're… Continue reading Tramspotting: Teleferico in Salta, Argentina
Homeward Bound
As I write this post we are currently 3 days out of our flight home. As you read this, we fly out TONIGHT. We are homeward bound. No, we are not going to stop traveling. Yes, we still have a LOT of content from our last days in Argentina. I thought I would write something… Continue reading Homeward Bound
Reflections of Salta
As we approached Salta, Argentina, the more nervous we got. We were in our last country. It is over. Sure we are going to try and enjoy the last of it... but it is over. And while we had been looking forward to visiting our friend Leigh (thefutureisred.com and Cloudhead.org) since our last foray at… Continue reading Reflections of Salta
Photo Friday: HDR – Train Cemetery in Uyuni, Bolivia
One of my favorite things to photograph - hands down - has to be anything industrial, decaying, peeling, and full of all that agey texture that only time can make into the perfect patina. So I found myself in a steampunk heaven during the first 30 minutes of our Uyuni Salt Flats tour at the… Continue reading Photo Friday: HDR – Train Cemetery in Uyuni, Bolivia
MIA: T-Minus 1 Week To Flight Home
And we're a bit busy having fun enjoying every last moment here in Buenos Aires as our flight home date approaches. Sorry - no post today! But to make up for it, here is Oolong the Rabbit with cookies on his head.
Tupiza, Bolivia Made Me Shout YEEHAW!
...not really but if you look at the pictures below, you can understand why. Seriously though, do you know how creepy it is to be horseback riding through saguaros and red mountains (like those found near Phoenix vacation rentals) and convincing yourself you aren't in Arizona? As we walked onto the dusty ranch, and I… Continue reading Tupiza, Bolivia Made Me Shout YEEHAW!
Photo Essay: Tarabuco Market – Markets in South America
Welcome to another wonderful PHOTO ESSAY WEEK! While I'm sure we have a million stories, nothing can really describe the amazingness of the last few weeks we experienced in Bolivia. Today we bring you the "off the beaten track but not really since there is a tour bus going out there" Tarabuco Market (Sundays only)… Continue reading Photo Essay: Tarabuco Market – Markets in South America
Photo Essay: Uyuni Salt Flats
Welcome to another wonderful PHOTO ESSAY WEEK! While I'm sure we have a million stories, nothing can really describe the amazingness of the last few weeks we experienced in Bolivia. We chose to participate in the 1 day tour of the Uyuni Salt Flats after realizing we were short on both money and time. There… Continue reading Photo Essay: Uyuni Salt Flats
Photo Essay: Sucre Bolivia
Welcome to another wonderful PHOTO ESSAY WEEK! While I'm sure we have a million stories, nothing can really describe the amazingness of the last few weeks we experienced in Bolivia. Let's just say we were happy to spend a week in Sucre Bolivia after our La Paz experiences. Not only is the place super chill… Continue reading Photo Essay: Sucre Bolivia