
Veg Out on Your Travels with These Vegetarian-Friendly Hostels

Worrying about compromising your meat-free ethics when you hit the road? Never fear, just book accommodations at vegetarian-friendly hostels like these on the Veg Out! page at HostelBookers.com, the budget travel specialists, where you can make new friends who share your gentle approach to living. Sir Toby’s Hostel – Prague, Czech Republic You know you’re… Continue reading Veg Out on Your Travels with These Vegetarian-Friendly Hostels


Glasgow – Scottish Sports Take the Spotlight

In his book 'Notes from a Small Island' Bill Bryson writes of a prominent Scottish city: "… the world began cautiously to come … and thereupon discovered to its delight that this was a city densely endowed with splendid museums, lively pubs, world class orchestras and no fewer than seventy parks, more than any other… Continue reading Glasgow – Scottish Sports Take the Spotlight


India: Our Bucket List

Like most travelers, we dream about experiencing as much of the world as possible. But it’s a big world with a lot to see. So, to give us some guidance on where to start we made a bucket list of locations and events that we are most excited about. Because our list is just a… Continue reading India: Our Bucket List


Mexico: The Culmination of Everything Wonderful

There’s something special about Mexico that keeps bringing us back time and time again. It isn’t that we can get super cheap flights from Texas, though that certainly doesn’t hurt. It isn’t that 3 out of 4 of Erica’s grandparents were born there, or that they often think she’s a local. It’s that Mexico is… Continue reading Mexico: The Culmination of Everything Wonderful


Erica and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

It was bound to happen. Traveling at breakneck speeds takes quite the physical toll on you and at some point your body makes you slow down. In this case, it was a really bad cold that kept Erica bedridden in Paris- a city we've been dying to visit for years and had only three days… Continue reading Erica and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Other, South America

Experiencing Cuzco, Peru with Roomorama

I admit, we arrived to Cuzco a bit apprehensive. Every time we had used a room rental company before, we had an apartment to ourselves rather than a single room in a B&B like we found ourselves in at that moment. Roomorama definitely picked a good property to place on their list. Not only were… Continue reading Experiencing Cuzco, Peru with Roomorama