lanterns in Colombia
South America, Travel, Video

Episode 15 – Lanterns in Medellin, Colombia

After wandering the streets of Banos, Ecuador looking for a decent wifi connection, we finally bring you Episode 15 - one I'm so proud of and I'm stoked to show you. This one goes down in history as one of the most special nights on our travels and one I will hold dear to my… Continue reading Episode 15 – Lanterns in Medellin, Colombia

Cali photos
Photography, South America, Travel

Photo Friday: Cali, Colombia – Cali Pictures

We came to Cali, Colombia not knowing what to expect. We had just heard from the backpacker trail that is was the capital of salsa and we had to come. Shaun had promised me some time on the dance floor and I was going to take advantage of his promise. From Shaun skateboarding all over… Continue reading Photo Friday: Cali, Colombia – Cali Pictures

chivas in colombia
South America, Story, Travel

Chivas in Colombia: Crazy in a Tin Can – Over Yonderlust

For 2012, Shaun and I will be trying a different kind of writing for some posts... known as Erica and Shaun type like they would talk posts. So, for our first one, here we go. Feedback would be appreciated on if you would like to see this more in the future. Add “Riding a Chiva… Continue reading Chivas in Colombia: Crazy in a Tin Can – Over Yonderlust

Music, Photography, South America, Travel

Finding Dixie in Medellin – Music in Colombia

Somehow when I think of Medellin, Colombia, I don’t think of bands playing old timey, ragtime music that I find myself attracted to when I’m in Austin, Texas. In discovering Medellin, I quickly learned that nothing is what it seems. Music in Colombia took us by surprise. One of our friends graciously invited us to… Continue reading Finding Dixie in Medellin – Music in Colombia

South America, Travel, Video

Episode 14: Salsa Dancing Classes in Cali, Colombia

.....and we're back! With our Go Pro in hand we have decided to finally conquer the world of video again. We aren't going to let a petty thief take away our love for making videos. Watch us as we make fools of ourselves while dancing in front of the camera! Take note of the serious… Continue reading Episode 14: Salsa Dancing Classes in Cali, Colombia

Information, South America, Travel

The Six Dances of Cali, Colombia

I come from a very generic American background. There really isn’t any single country that I can claim as my heritage as my distant relatives mixed with other nationalities as often as they could. Well, every European, caucasian nation, that is. Likely because of this, I don’t have a dancing or even generic rhythm gene… Continue reading The Six Dances of Cali, Colombia

Christmas Lights in Medellin
Photography, South America, Travel

Photo Friday: A Serious Christmas Lights in Medellin

Supposedly Medellin, Colombia is listed as one of the five places in the world that you must see lights. Their display not only costs quite a hefty chunk of change but creates jobs AND they sell the lights to other countries to supplement their yearly changing display. The Christmas lights in Medellin are just fantastic.… Continue reading Photo Friday: A Serious Christmas Lights in Medellin

Beer in Colombia
Photography, Review, South America, Thoughts, Travel

Beacon of Beer Hope in Bogota

I know I rarely discuss the downsides of travel but there is one thing that has been driving me bat shit crazy over the past 8 months on the road. Who knew that out of all the countries there would be good beer in Colombia? There is NO GOOD BEER ON TAP anywhere else. None.… Continue reading Beacon of Beer Hope in Bogota

Bogota Gold Museum
Photography, South America, Thoughts, Travel

Gold Fever in Bogota, Colombia

I am a museum person. When I heard about the Bogota Gold Museum my ears perked immediately. I know some of you are surprised that a person of my tattooed, awesome, party-going, rock n’ roll luke-warm tepid lifestyle likes to spend hours of their Sunday afternoons in educational institutions. But I do. Somehow I had… Continue reading Gold Fever in Bogota, Colombia

Christmas abroad
Information, South America, Thoughts, Travel

Our First Christmas Abroad: Colombia

Forget Santa Claus. This year we have baby Jesus zipping around the world delivering Christmas. You know, I kinda like it. At least it has something to do with the religious aspect of the season. Welcome to our first Christmas abroad. Yes, while it is 2am on Christmas Eve, I can't quite get to bed.… Continue reading Our First Christmas Abroad: Colombia

Bogota, Colombia
Photography, South America, Travel

Burned Out? Rained Out? Welcome to Bogota, Colombia

I’m not sure what it was - either I was depressed or the gloomy, cold, rainy weather of Bogota was making my soul shrivel a bit. Don’t get me wrong, Bogota is a pretty cool city with lots of things to do and see... if you can get past the whole weather thing. After spending… Continue reading Burned Out? Rained Out? Welcome to Bogota, Colombia

Graffiti in Medellin
Photography, South America, Travel

Girls and Graffiti in Medellin, Colombia

One of the really cool things I learned about while Couchsurfing in Medellin is that the application of paint on public spaces (graffiti) is not illegal. Graffiti in Medellin has lead to an explosion of colorful art, but I think when you are allowed to do it, you have more competition that promotes prettier art… Continue reading Girls and Graffiti in Medellin, Colombia

The Bus to Bogota
Photography, South America, Travel

Photo Friday: The Road to Bogota

Did we ever tell you that we are planning to bus all the way down to the southern most tip of Argentina? I have seen some of the most amazing sights just starting out the window. The bus to Bogota changed how we viewed transportation. Plastered to the window I couldn't stop snapping. As we… Continue reading Photo Friday: The Road to Bogota

Photography, South America, Thoughts, Travel

Medellin, You Changed EVERYTHING

I felt like I was going to puke. My travel nerves were at full force that day - something I hadn’t really experienced since Mexico. I was a pro at this. Why was I feeling so shitty? “You’re already missing them.” Shaun’s replied. And you know what? He was right. Our travels have taken a… Continue reading Medellin, You Changed EVERYTHING

mud volcano
Review, South America, Travel

Playing With Mud in Colombia – Our Mud Volcano!

Mudpies and mud volcanoes. Much to my mother’s chagrin, I would bust out the backdoor with wild hair and bare feet every time it rained in dry El Paso, Texas and furiously rip up the back yard to appreciate this simple kid’s delight. Never in my life did I imagine I was going to be… Continue reading Playing With Mud in Colombia – Our Mud Volcano!