“Have you been to the hot springs yet?”
“Have you checked out Finca Paraiso?”
“You must go to our hot springs! It is the best thing to do around here!”
We were bombarded with “demands” to head out to the hot springs waterfall by the locals, expats, and old salts we found ourselves drinking beer with in Rio Dulce, Guatemala. How could we say no?
This was going to be a solo affair for me. Shaun was feeling quite under the weather with food poisoning from street food and I had the company of Ben and Jill, a lovely couple we instantly bonded with the night prior during our adventures in Guatemalan bumper cars.

Here few things you need to know about Finca Paraiso:
- It costs 15Q (~$2) to catch a 45 minute colectivo bus out to Finca Paraiso.
- The colectivos are next to Banco Industrial on the street next to it.
- Colectivos are VERY full here. We reached a capacity of 28 people in a small minivan.
- Make sure to grab some drinks and food before heading out.
- It costs 10Q to get into the waterfall. Make sure to carry your entrance ticket with you.
- There are LOTS of begging children in this area. If you feel like being nice, buy pencils beforehand to give to them. Try not to propagate the begging cycle by giving them money.
- Francisco is the overseer at the waterfall/hot spring, if you pay him 10Q he will make sure to watch your bags for you while you swim. He is a super nice guy.
- Also ask him to show you where the mud from the source of the spring is. The GOOD stuff is hidden AND requires you to go near VERY hot water (easily 140F/60C).
- Rub said mud all over your body and wait for it to dry.
- Rinse off in the river.
- Keep in mind that the waterfall is HOT. (104F/40C)
- The water is deep enough to go cliff diving.
- There is a small cave behind the waterfall that you can hang out in. It requires you to dive under the fall (or go through the heat).
It costs 15Q to get back to Rio Dulce.
I highly suggest checking this place out. The only con is that it is extremely hot outside and there is a giant hot waterfall next to you. The water itself is kind of warm but there are cold pockets that you can find in the swimming hole while treading water.
The mud was also some super awesome magical mud because my skin has never looked or felt better in my life – even better than our time at the Blue Lagoon. I swear my skin was glowing and for a minute I thought we had found the famed fountain of youth.
And while I missed Shaun, I’m glad I got an opportunity to get some “alone” time with other people. Traveling as a couple has its perks but sometimes you need to get away for a while.
…because little did I know, later that day, I too would come down with food poisoning.
I’m just glad it held off while I had a little fun beforehand.
You are so cute. I’d still go into a hot waterfall on a hot day. Although the urge to pee……
So you were away from Shaun for a few hours eh? Ayyy que tristeza, and then you guys got to take turns having poopie butts! Do you carry charcoal with you when you travel? 4-5 capsules of that with a huge glass of water has helped us out immensely while experiencing poopie butt.
I hope you’re recovered and looking forward to your Mexico pics!
Oh my gosh, how much fun!!!!
Such hot water!? Didn’t people get burned?
It does look beautifull though and I’d love to get behind the waterfall:)
Sorry to hear about the foid poisoning. Good thing it didn’t come through while you were at the waterfall!
Beautiful photos! The water looks so cool and refreshing. Odd to think it’s really so warm.
Hope you’re both feeling better by now.
The urge to pee wasn’t THAT bad lol.
…and no, I keep telling myself I need to get charcoal and then forget the moment I’m in the store.
The water isn’t hot enough to burn people at the waterfall but I’m sure people have burned themselves at the source.
I was really hoping it would be a little more cool but nonetheless it was a fantastic time.
Sorry about all the food poisoning! This looks like it was a lot of fun though, I love waterfalls!
I’m swooning over Guatemala! It’s next on my Central America bucket list. I hope y’all recovered from the food poisoning quickly. I’ve come to expect it when I travel, but it doesn’t make it any more bearable in the moment!
Ha ha, love the mud rubbing action. Looks pretty awesome! What kind of camera are you using for the water shots by the way? Thinking of getting a small waterproof camera.
Great face on the underwater pic 🙂
It was nice but we were prepared for the poisoning. It happens at least once every time we head down there.
You’re going to LOVE IT. There are some parts about Guate that can be hard but the people there are so amazing.
We’re using our Go Pro Hero 3. Great for video and awesome if you just want to grab a couple of pics!
There is no way to look glamorous… so I just went with it.