I sincerely apologize regarding the delay in this week’s post. I’ve spent the past 5 days desperately trying to upload our Episode 10 – Momentos: Guatemala only to be disappointed at the internet dropping in the middle of the night or an estimated time of 2000 minutes to upload.
Life on Utila has been incredible. Besides dodging the motorcycles and tuktuks trying to run you over while walking down the street, we have done quite well adjusting to “island life”. In other words, we are taking life extremely slowly. I tell ya, hanging out with 1 Dad, 1 Kid blogger Talon and his son Tigger bring it out in us. They are on island time as well.
While I would love to report exciting feats every day, I’ll just describe our day to day life right now.
When not diving we wake up at about 9 and eat breakfast.
Then we hang out and do some work, answer emails, etc.
Then we eat sandwiches for lunch.
After lunch we have an iced coffee at the best coffee place within COUNTRIES, Rio Coco Cafe (post coming soon).
After coffee we meander down to the Bay Islands College of Diving (where we took our scuba classes) and swim off their amazing dock.
Exhausting swims and tanning make us very hungry so we then roam the streets until we find a restaurant we want to eat at.
Sometimes we even go meet friends at a bar for a beer or two before heading home, watching the boob tube and go to sleep.
My life is really hard right now.
There is a joke around Utila:
The 3 lies of Utila:
1. I’m leaving tomorrow.
2. I’m not drinking tonight.
3. I love you.
We thought we would only be here for 4-5 days… 3 weeks later and with budget accommodations we are still here. We also thought we were leaving on Saturday morning but mid-dive yesterday I realized we still have a while before we need to be in Costa Rica.
How does Wednesday sound?

1 Dad 1 Kid’s Talon and Tigger above.

oh boy. life is so hard. LOL
Im buzzing… so umm yeah I hate yall. I miss this… I miss this… I MISS THIS. I swear I will find a cheap island somewhere in Europe and spend weeks like this. PS… Um I saw no mention of Nicaragua… DO NOT SKIP NICARAGUA… I WILL CUT YALL – Bon Qui Qui style!
@Dad: Oh I know right? I’m suffering hardcore.
@Jaime: We’re skipping it to meet one of my BFFs in CR and COMING BACK AFTER. Just letting ya know. We just ran out of time before we had to pick him up from the airport.
I am quite aware of “Island time” after spending 6 months on neighboring Roatan! Glad to know that Honduras is treating you well! 🙂
Oh man, those three lies made me laugh. Particularly that last one…
Okay… as long as you come back.
Tough life but somebody’s gotta do it! 😉
Live it up, guys!
Well well, looks like I found a must-see destination for my upcoming Central America adventure … this post is getting me psyched up for going … even though it won’t happen ’til Fall 2012 at the earliest! 😛
@Dalene: I wish we had the time and funds to check out Roatan but oh man some of those places are expensive!
@Christy: They have shirts with the three lies on them floating around the island. I kinda want one…
@Jaime: lol! We plan on it!
I’d say you are being responsible since Costa Rica is so expensive – stay a few more days.
If you want to try a different spot to dive – I know places that allow you to stay for free if you’re diving (and I think it’s about ~$30 a dive…)
On Roatan, that is!
Ahh…life can be so tough sometimes…
@Ayngelina: I’m glad we’re looking into cheap apartment rentals. I couldn’t imagine doing resort prices.
@Dalene: We’re about to leave Honduras but I know to get to Roatan would be kinda pricey from here. Thank you for your suggestion!
You actually had me laughing out loud with this one. I’m lying on my bed, in my childhood room no less, giggling at your post and your three lies in Utila! I’m so glad you guys are loving it and I’ll tell you, your daily routine sounds like a fairytale! Enjoy it 🙂
I love the three jokes about Utila. I wish I was there with you! It sounds blissful!!! And so relaxing.
I definitely heard #1 and #2 a lot when I was there 🙂 Enjoy!
@Bethany: I’m actually quite sad that tomorrow is our last day here. I’m not ready to leave but we do need to meet a friend in Costa Rica on the 13th. I love my life. I LOVE living near the ocean.
@D: I wish you were here with us as well! We could all do nothing together!
@Stephanie: We keep getting laughed at because we keep pushing back our date. Instead of tomorrow we are now on Thursday (which is the last day we can stay!)
Enjoy every minute of the island life!! Don’t leave until you absolutely have to!!
@Abby: I was able to get closure before we left – thank goodness. Was having little panic attacks about leaving.
Ack, I can’t look at boats without feeling hungover. When I was traveling I always managed to find myself on a boat after a rough night. It was awful. So very, very awful. That was kinda off topic… but uh, yay Honduras!?? Lucky assholes.
@Hogga: I found myself doing a small victory dance every time we went out on the boat. So many, “ZOMG this is my life.” moments.
YESYES YES!!!! <YOU GUYS GOT YOUR OPEN WATER CERTIFICATE. I hope you enjoyed it! doesnt underwater life feel more appealing now? Maybe the "diving instructor" lifestyle is THE WAY for a chilled out future too. live on an island here or there. get to do free dives and get payed for it! I heard some instructors get payed and decent salary… 50% of the course/person…more or less.BUENA SUERTE CHICOS.
how much was it per dive by the way? If you don’t mind me asking?
@MUGS: Yes! We even stayed long enough to get our Advanced Diving as well. We became ADDICTED. I’m still thinking about getting Dive Master one day if we could ever afford it.
@MUGS: Oh, and I think on Utila it is like $50 for a two tank dive? I think you can talk to them about packages if you’re looking to dive more.
Utilla is to me one of the greatest places on the planet. It is a wonder mix of scenery and characters. If I ever get my ambition back up regarding more SCUBA certifications Utilla is where I am going. Cheap diving with skilled dive shops ans world class dive spots doesn’t get better than that.
Well, actually I am going to get my advanced certification next week in Xcalak, Mexico so I will have to see how things compare. Love the site.
@Jonathan: It was so hard to leave towards the end. We had to flee before we spent our entire budget just diving our life away. My gills are drying out and turning into beef jerky! Tell me how Mexico is. I want to check it out one day!