Europe, Photography, Travel

Travel Photography – Rainy Madrid Weather

This is my most favorite picture that I have taken while abroad.

Shaun and I spent the New Year in Madrid, Spain (2009-2010) and witnessed the rainiest winter they had received in years. Luckily for me umbrellas and slick streets make amazing subjects.

…so goes our luck with the rain following us around the world! Beware of the crazy people wielding umbrellas. In locations where rain is rare, the umbrella etiquette goes out the window. Shaun and I were nearly blinded by the razor sharp pins coming out the bottom of these deadly umbrella weapons.

But I could help myself as we were dancing in the rain through the streets…

Madrid weather
Rainy downtown Madrid

Servants Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! Night and day
He slaves away! Oh, poor Professor Higgins!
All day long On his feet; Up and down until he’s numb;
Doesn’t rest; Doesn’t eat;
Doesn’t touch a crumb! Poor Professor Higgins!
Poor Professor Higgins! On he plods Against all odds;
Oh, poor Professor Higgins! Nine p.m. Ten p.m.
On through midnight ev’ry night.
One a.m. Two a.m. Three…! Quit, Professor Higgins!
Quit, Professor Higgins! Hear our plea
Or payday we Will quit, Professor Higgins!
Ay not I, O not Ow, Pounding pounding in our brain.
Ay not I, O not Ow, Don’t say “Rine,” say “Rain”…
Eliza The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
Henry By George, she’s got it! By George, she’s got it!
Now, once again where does it rain? Eliza On the plain!
On the plain! Henry And where’s that soggy plain?
Eliza In Spain! In Spain! The three
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain! Henry
In Hartford, Hereford, and Hampshire…?
Eliza Hurricanes hardly happen.
How kind of you to let me come! Henry
Now once again, where does it rain?
Eliza On the plain! On the plain! Henry
And where’s that blasted plain?
Eliza In Spain! In Spain! The three
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain!
-My Fair Lady

11 thoughts on “Travel Photography – Rainy Madrid Weather”

  1. What a beautiful shot — I love how the sky is reflected in the cobblestones – and that everyone is dressed in black, too!

  2. I have had a few requests for copies of this picture in particular. I’m so glad that I was able to capture it. ♥ Thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  3. @Ayngelina: Thank you! I’m trying to hard to improve and I want to make it a serious endeavor. I just become so inspired when I am traveling.

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