Arriving in Mexico felt much like the shorter trips we’ve taken. The difference in length of this trek just hasn’t set in. But the relief of finally landing in Puerto Vallarta without a hitch is a welcomed feeling.
Like so many other touristy cities, we were harassed by wave after wave of taxi drivers as soon as we made it through customs. Being that this was day 1 of our trip, we weren’t about to be overcharged for anything- even if it was an incredibly convenient ride to our hostel. Erica tried desperately to get any information she could about where we could catch the city bus, only to find that her efforts were in vain.
We marched out of the airport hearing one upset cabbie directing some profane language towards Erica in Spanish, but alas, we were free. We made our way to the bus stop, only to discover two things. One, the locals are wonderfully helpful and nice. And two, we didn’t have the change needed to ride the bus. However, before there was much time for discouragement, we saw it. Like a beacon of awesomeness, our eyes were drawn to a massive sign on the other side of the highway that read “Seafood Burritos”.

And awesome they were. While not the most reasonably priced, they were just what the doctor ordered. Effing delicious.
The Jalisco-style food in Puerto Vallarta kept us eating every chance we got. We frequented as many of the less-touristy places that we could and met some amazing people. Our favorite PV local was Diego. He is a waiter at one of the beach front restaurants who really loved his job. His English was great, but when Erica spoke to him in Spanish he was so surprised that he was barely able to respond in his native tongue. We spoke about family and how much it motivates him in his life, but we had to pry our feet out of our mouths after seeing his reaction after answering “Oh, no. We don’t have any children, nor do we plan on having some anytime soon.” As a hard-working father of 4 (and wanting a few more), our response came off a bit harsh. However, after explaining our plans for the next year, he stated that there is always time for children later and we should travel as much as we can. This isn’t a uncommon reaction by any means, especially if prefaced by informing them that we are high school sweethearts approaching our 7 year wedding anniversary.
The last evening of our Puerto Vallarta Holidays was spent talking with Diego and walking on the beach, pondering what the future holds for us. No sight-seeing, no schedules, no idea what day it is, just a great start to our journey.

Disclosure: The link in this post is sponsored.
Yay! Can’t wait to be in PV in two weeks!! So happy your trip is going great!
Aww.. I love this. No schedule, not anything.. Beginnings are worth remembering. I gotta say, those seafood burritos sound barfy, but look good.
I just realized I can’t read your stuff anymore. Not until you’re out of countries with burrito joints, anyway. I’ll just get too damn depressed.
Mmmm Burritos
Erica, proud of you girl for jumping right in to speaking Español! And I am so incredibly jealous of the Mexican food you two are enjoying. So happy for you guys that you’re out and traveling now!
Yay…you guys are on your way! I agree, the feeling of the largeness of the trip didn’t settle in for quite some time for us. We got asked the children question often and our standard response became ‘No, not yet’. We couldn’t admit that children are not in our future when speaking to people for whom children and family are everything; it’s one of those great cultural divides that is near impossible to overcome. Luckily we (barely) look young enough to get away with saying it; although I suspect they often thought ‘yeah right with that ancient uterus!’. Cheers guys!
So excited you have started your journey! Mexico is one of the stops on my RTW trip next year that I’m most looking forward to, so will enjoy reading your posts! Keep ’em coming!
That burrito sounds just like the right way to start your journey 🙂 Glad you made it there ok without a hitch.
Sounds like a great start to your trip!
@Jade: Have fun! It should be interesting to see PV after Semana Santa!
@Jeannie: I guess you are not a fan of seafood? lol
@Evan: Tacos everywhere! I think after Mexico the cuisine changes quite a bit but since food is such an important part of our travels, the pics are still going to be rolling in.
@Page: Damn skippy!
@Christine: Thanks! I’m definitely trying and I’m picking up quite a bit too. Shaun is even picking up the proper accent – I’m totally excited for him!
@Gillian: We were even grilled by this 21 year old girl and her boyfriend that we were hanging out with. I guess I should have an answer to give when people ask.
@Julia: I am in love with Mexico so far – granted we have just been bumming around the beach but still!
@Jill: Halfway into the burrito I realized it probably wasn’t a good idea but dived into it anyway.
@Ali: We’re hoping it stays that way! 😛
Take me back to Mexico NOW!!! <3
So glad you are finally on the road. That weather report makes me cry tears of jealously! I’ll be living vicariously through you for the next few months!
wasn’t erica the gal who was just writing about being scared to speak spanish to native speakers??? yeah mama! and hell yes on those burritos. and ohhhhh that question! if i had a dollar for every time someone asked me (ahem- us) if i had kids while traveling, i could have gone around the world twice- ha ha. sometimes i was tempted to say, “no, you see, i was born a male…” 😉 but sounds like you guys handled it well!
No plan is THE best way to travel! And though I’ve never been to PV, I’ve been to Jalisco so many times that I can’t even count and boy, do I miss the food!
Glad you guys had a smooth trip after your run-in with the Border Patrol! Those burritos look sabroso. Mexico can’t seem too different from Texas though. Enjoy the beach!
@ Andi – It has been a phenomenal place to start our journey! 😀
@ Kim – The weather has been so amazing that it’s hard to justify staying in doors. We usually compromise by opening all the windows and doors. 🙂
@ Lorna – I think Erica has really surprised herself here. We keep talking about coming up with a story as to why we don’t have/want kids yet, we’re just going to have to buckle down and do it one day. My initial ideas are much like yours- likely to offend some people. 😛
@ Aaron – Not having a plan or itinerary has already allowed us to experience more than we thought possible in such a short amount of time.
@ Jennifer – I think the biggest difference between Texas and this part of Mexico is the beach, actually. The Gulf is bathwater-warm in the summer and usually covered in jellyfish. We’re really loving it thus far.
Great start! I want guacamole like nobody’s business right now!! So glad you guys are enjoying your trip! 🙂
I’m pretty sure I would love the food in Puerto Vallarta 🙂 I remember the excitement at the beginning of my trip!
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOUR TRIP HAS OFFICIALLY STARTED!!! I am a bit jealous you are starting in Mexico. I want to see more of my Mother Land and may get there before you know it.
I may have to stop reading your site while you are in Mexico, the jealousy is too much. We’re almost running the same path. I started my RTW in Mexico on April 1 last year.
Oh the food!
@Bethany: Oh how I love that fatty green stuff! <3
@Laura: Everything has been so good – I can just eat my day away!
@Jaime: ♥ I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Mexico!
@Ayngelina: I am loving it so much so far. The food has been fantastic but right now I have been craving veggies like crazy. There isn’t enough in my pico de gallo to keep me going.
Glad to know you guys have enjoyed it so far! I look forward to hearing about your surfing experience…while sipping a beer with you tomorrow in Sayulita!
Seafood Burritos sounds really good. I want to have one haha
@Fede: ♥
@Sarah: Apparently the place we stumbled upon was one of the Top 5 places to eat in Puerto Vallarta!
Nice way to start your trip, eh?? 🙂 Hope you are enjoying every moment!!
Kicking things off with food — that’s what I like to hear! Keep food photos coming — I’ll be back in the US this week and need to live vicariously through you two, especially as the end of my trip coincides with the beginning of yours 🙂 <3
@ D – Even with all the less than awesome things that come with traveling, we’re having an amazing time. 😀
@ Heather – It was really awesome being able to follow your journey, hopefully ours will as enjoyable for you too! <3
Hey there. Was just drooling over your food pictures, you guys are so lucky! The grill on the beach with the fresh coconuts looks awesome. Just wanted to comment on the last picture on the page, do you realize you might have gotten an accidental UFO in that picture? How awesome is that! Look close, it’s there.
OH CRAZY! I never noticed that before! 😀 Good eye!