Believe it or not, but I did not do any post processing on this picture. This was done on film and either there was some weird crazy energy that changed the way the film came out or the film was old… however none of my other Hiroshima pictures developed like this one.
The Hiroshima bombing is one of those blips in history that people are fascinated about. To be on ground zero in Hiroshima was not only sobering, but really opened my eyes to BOTH sides of history. If there is anything I’ve learned during our travels is that world history is always skewed.
This is the A-Bomb Dome in Hiroshima, Japan. It was probably my most favorite city we visited and the sheer power of Peace Park changed my life. This is a must visit location and if you have a chance, make sure to visit this beautiful city.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial (広島平和記念碑 Hiroshima heiwa kinenhi?), commonly called the Atomic Bomb Dome or Genbaku Dōmu (原爆ドーム?, A-Bomb Dome), in Hiroshima, Japan, is part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The ruin serves as a memorial to the people who were killed in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Over 70,000 people were killed instantly, and another 70,000 suffered fatal injuries from the radiation. – Wikipedia
What an incredible shot! I visited Hiroshima a couple of years ago and I was so impressed not only by the history, but by the how beautiful and serene the place is now. Proof that life goes on. Always.
oh wow I love the surprise of film. I first started on an old 1970s Canon SLR and only switched to digital because I thought I’d save money on film.
@Liv: It is my most favorite place in the world. I was so impressed with the love and forgiveness shown. Knowing we were American we received hellos and welcomes.
@Michael: Totally.
@Ayngelina: I really do like the surprises of film, I just wish I was more confident with a camera. I think I would go through so much for little payoff.
The green crass is such a contrast to the shell of the building. great photo
@Cornelius: Thanks! I couldn’t believe my eyes when the film was developed.
Wow, great shot, especially that you don’t even touch it up to make it like that! Wow!!
@Dina: Thank you! I really miss using film but it is so expensive. I will be super picky with my next film camera!
Yes indeed! Life goes on and that’s the way it should be. Thank you Erica for sharing this wonderful photograph of Genbaku Dome.
Awesome shot.
Great shot!