After our amazing time in New Mexico, we made a late night road trip to Phoenix and found ourselves in Arizona for the next four days. Arizona has a lot to offer in regards to things to do and experience so making out in 4 days is quite a feat.
One thing I had not noticed as I got older is that my night vision has gotten exponentially worse than our last road trip… and I’m only 27! I can only image what things are going to be like in the next 10 years!
We made it safely to our dear friends Nena and Shane’s house and spent the next three days laughing, drinking, playing video games and having an amazing time together. We have known them for a little over 5 years and met over the wonderfully nerdy video game, World of Warcraft. We have made it a tradition to see them every year around this time and were glad to make a pit stop on our Burning Man journey.
Thanks Nena and Shane for letting us stay over and showing us a good time. Here are a few pics from Phoenix:
After we left our friends in a heartfelt and teary goodbye (and a see you next year!) we headed up to the Grand Canyon. I wasn’t prepared for the 100+ degree weather to 80 degree weather change (to end up 50 degrees that night) and was in heaven the entire time. This was fall weather for us in Austin and they fact I got to experience it in one of the hottest months of the year was phenomenal.
As per tradition, it rained and stormed at the Grand Canyon. Rain seems to follow Shaun and I everywhere we go: We dated in one of the rainiest winters, it rained the morning of our wedding, our honeymoon in Barbados had the rainiest dry season in 20 years, we experienced the rainiest winter Madrid had seen in 50 years… you get the point. It was no big surprise and at this point, rain is almost welcome in all of our experiences. Plus, it makes for very untraditional pictures of landmarks. 🙂
Thank goodness the rain calmed down and we were able to enjoy and cold night and a warm fire.
Here are some pictures from our journey and our stay in the Grand Canyon:
Love the cactus shot! Looking forward to seeing/meeting you there.
Looks like you guys are having a great time. Also love the image of the large Cactus. From the angle of your shot, it looks absolutely massive. Erica, the image of you sitting on the edge of the Grand Canyon brings back fond memories of my visit their many years ago. I’ll get back one day….
So happy you are having a great time and love reading these. Beautiful pictures!
@Brian: See you tomorrow!
@Jason: The cactus was a good 15 feet or so – I felt quite dwarfed by its size! This was the first time I had been to the Grand Canyon and all I could say is “WOW” for hours!
Sandra: HAI! Thank you girlie for stopping by!
Dig the shots of the Canyon! Great job!
Looks like you might have some dirt on your sensor (that’s probably what’s causing those dark circles on the shots where you have a big aperture). Might consider taking it to get cleaned when you have time.
Looking forward to some shots of the Man burning!
I love that cactus photo, amazing.
Sounds like you’re having an awesome time! I’m looking forwarded to hearing what you get up to at burning man!
You’re not in Beijing are you? It has just started raining really hard out of nowhere!
@Travis: I’m planning on going to take my camera in when we get back from Burning Man. I noticed them a bit ago but at the same time didn’t want to get it cleaned to go play with it in the dust. ♥ Thank you so much for the heads up!
@Ayngelina: I love it too! The greatest thing is that they all have separate personalities.
@Poi: After being out in the desert for a week, I am so overwhelmed by what I experienced. It was phenomenal. As for Beijing… I don’t think so? If so I was put on a plane sometime. 😉
The photo of the cactus is amazing!
@Melvin: Thanks!