North America, Photography, Travel

Travel Photography – New Mexico

I think that one of the things that people forget is that New Mexico is more than just a desert. While we were driving through New Mexico during our road trip throughout the Southwest and Western United States, we had to stop and appreciate the beauty and greenery that surrounded us while we drove through the Gila National Forest.

New Mexico is stunning! Give it a chance!

new mexico


27 thoughts on “Travel Photography – New Mexico”

  1. Nice pictures. I love the shades of green and then the blue… Ahhh I am starting to love colors so damn much. Central America has so damn many.

  2. Even though I lived in Arizona for three summers, I never explored any of New Mexico. Though we’re big fans of Breaking Bad (have you seen it?), and the constant landscapes in the show make me long to plan a trip there!

  3. @Justin: Thank you! I’m in love with New Mexico and I think people overlook it thinking it is ugly. Granted, I’m also in love with the desert so it doesn’t help me much lol.

  4. @Kristin: I’ve never seen Breaking Bad but I spent so much time in NM as a kid that I can understand the desire to go! It is amazing how we fail to visit our neighboring places. I’ve lived in TX my whole life and have never been east of it (besides layovers in airports).

  5. Beautiful picture of a beautiful state. We do have a tendency to think of certain states as just deserts. I remember being shocked the first time I went through Flagstaff, Arizona. It is alpine! A beautiful respite from the desert. Thanks for reminding us all to look deeper.

  6. I’ve never made it to New Mexico but looking at this beautiful photo I can see I need to go there. My sister raves about Santa Fe.

  7. @Marcello: It had been such a wet summer throughout the Southwest that we were enjoying the colors as we drove along. Even Arizona was green in the desert parts!

  8. @Matt: NM has almost everything you can imagine – from desert, to mountains, to skiing, to native history and amazing food. I would half consider moving there is Shaun wasn’t convinced we belong in Austin. 😛

  9. @Ayngelina: Your “hot damn” made my flushed! LOL I like the pictures I take and I’m glad that others find beauty in them as well. ♥

  10. @Christy: For the most part I do, however, if you are in an RV, you probably do not want to take the road. :X

  11. @Abby: This was right outside of Gila National forest and that summer had been a particularly rainy one. 🙂

  12. @Laura: most of my childhood memories of NM are in the pine trees of the Gila National forest and the ski town of Ruidoso. The Southwest holds so many surprises and never ceases to amaze me.

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