Hometown Tourism, Photography

Burlesque in Austin: The Jigglewatts

***This is yet another burlesque post. If you do not want to see pictures of scantily clad ladies (no direct nudity), please shut your eyes and move on to another post. How about a post about donuts?***


If you haven’t already, check out our previous posts about the Texas Burlesque scene and road tripping to Ft. Worth with Miss Jolie Ampere Goodnight. But most of all, make sure to go to a burlesque show in Austin, Texas – home to the girls of the renowned Jigglewatts Burlesque!

I’m in awe of my life. I not only get to take pictures around the world, but get to take pictures of beautiful ladies when I’m at home.

I’ve got it made. I’ve got a man’s dream job. I just can’t describe what it is like to be the best friend of a burlesque dancer and find yourself backstage with diamonds, furs, tassels, heels, and half naked ladies.

Oh wait, I can. It is freaking GLAMOROUS.

We found ourselves at another one of Jolie’s phenomenal performances at the Technicolor Tease: A Night with The Jigglewatts Burlesque Revue… and I was about to break Shaun’s burlesque cherry. Sure he had seen Jolie perform on YouTube, but this lady is a must see in person. Make sure to grab a ticket when you are in town. They perform quite a bit when they find themselves in town (and aren’t out glamorously traveling the world and performing!).

But come on guys, how many times do you hear a wife tell her husband, “Why haven’t you come to see my best friend’s striptease?! She has finally gotten the pasty tassel twirling down to a fine art!”

But without further ado, I present:

The ladies of the Jigglewatts Burlesque!























14 thoughts on “Burlesque in Austin: The Jigglewatts”

  1. Wonderful! I just recently started taking burlesque classes, and I’m lovin’ it! Thanks for posting the sexy photos!

  2. Congrats on the burlesque classes lady! Coco, Ruby, and Jolie are currently doing a tour doing classes across the Southwest!

    I always look awkward when trying to imitate. I’ll leave the grace to chicas like you and the professionals. <3

  3. RIGHT?! One reason why I LOVE these women! 😀 Their entire thing is: You can be sexy with the body you have. Be confident!

  4. Now, I was a bit anxious when I saw this on your homepage as lady parts scare me, so I’m relieved to see that this isn’t X-rated haha 😉

    I’d actually love to go to a burlesque show. I’ve never, ever been to one – although I’d mostly go to ooh and aah at the feathers and costumes rather than be excited by the possibility of side boob.

  5. Yes! That’s the thing about burlesque. They are not cheesy playmates or trying to be 😉

  6. Ooo I want to be a burlesque dancer! It’s so fascinating to watch for men and women whatever they’re into 🙂

  7. They were just here in Vegas doing classes at the Burlesque Dance School and I couldn’t afford to go! 🙁 I was so bummed. Maybe i’ll just have to come to Austin and learn some moves there!

  8. Yes! They recently came back from their Southwest tour! How weird would it have been for you to take classes from my best friend?!

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