Sustainable Tourism Portland Hostel
North America, Review

Hostels can be Eco-Friendly Too! Sustainable Tourism with Hostelling International

I’m not exactly sure when my priorities changed but over the course of our travels Shaun and I have become increasingly concerned with keeping up our standards for sustainable tourism and eco-friendly properties and locations. When we received an invitation to head to Portland with Hostelling International USA to experience Hawthorne Portland Hostel’s 10th Annual… Continue reading Hostels can be Eco-Friendly Too! Sustainable Tourism with Hostelling International

Veracruz All Natural
Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: Veracruz All Natural

I’ll be honest here. I’m a picky bitch when it comes to salsa. I live in Texas, the heart of TexMex and fab salsa that will knock your socks off and burn a hole right through you if you eat too much. I have high expectations - and rightly so. But I admit, it has… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: Veracruz All Natural

St. Paul's Cathedral
Europe, Photography

Wanderlust Wednesday – St. Paul’s Cathedral, London

Do you ever get to a travel location and completely geek out? Shaun and I regularly visit London (I think we're on #4 or #5 at this point) now, but in the beginning, everything was new, fresh, and incredibly nostalgic of my childhood. Now, how would that be considering I had never been there before?… Continue reading Wanderlust Wednesday – St. Paul’s Cathedral, London

Portland Japanese Garden
North America, Photography

Reaching Photographic Zen at the Portland Japanese Garden

Unlike many world travelers, if you asked Shaun and I what our favorite country has been throughout our traveling "career", it has always been a quick and easy reply - JAPAN. It is the country that we would love to return to and has haunted us every day since July 2008. I had just picked… Continue reading Reaching Photographic Zen at the Portland Japanese Garden

East Side King
Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: East Side King

This week we are doing something a little bit different and are deviating from our Food Truck Challenge. When friends are in town, we like to really bring it up a notch and decided on hitting up Chef Paul Qui’s East Side King at Liberty Bar. In true Austin fashion, this is Asian fusion at… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: East Side King

North America, Photography

Fight. Love. Live. The Filoli Mansion and Gardens in Silicon Valley

I don’t know when it happened but one day I woke up 30 years old and with the terrifying realization that I like a lot of old lady things. Long gone were the days of seeing Shaun’s metal shows every weekend, spending time at practices, partying hard, and living a “rock star” lifestyle. I woke… Continue reading Fight. Love. Live. The Filoli Mansion and Gardens in Silicon Valley

food truck park in austin
Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: Spartan Pizza

Shaun and I putted up to the 6th and Waller food truck park on our scooter, nervously eyeing the sky. “We’re done with rain for today!” proclaimed Shaun. I wasn’t so sure. With a quick glance, I noticed that we weren’t in too much trouble heading to Spartan Pizza. This food truck part in Austin… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: Spartan Pizza

North America, Photography, Travel

Hope Renewed at the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay

We’re heading to the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay? I roll my eyes with such fervor I would give a 15 year old girl a run for her money. After a quick google search, this property in particular has won one of the best hotel properties in the world. Can we get any more “bougie” that… Continue reading Hope Renewed at the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay

Silicon Valley
North America, Photography

Instagram: Snapshots of Silicon Valley

For those of you who aren't obsessively following Instagram like I am, I thought that I would bring you them gems that were caught during my recent trip out to Silicon Valley San Mateo County. I can say without a doubt that the fact that there is so much more to Silicon Valley than tech… Continue reading Instagram: Snapshots of Silicon Valley

Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: Burro Cheese Kitchen

It was my turn to pick the food truck this week. What did this lactose intolerant girl pick? My holy grail; My forbidden fruit; Burro Cheese Kitchen - the one and only artisan grilled cheese sandwich spot found on our culinary list. With no Lactaid in sight, I shrugged my shoulders and dove right in.… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: Burro Cheese Kitchen

Facebook sign in Silicon Valley
North America, Travel

Silicon Valley: Eat, Drink, Sleep, Do

I can get used to being pleasantly surprised. I've found myself wanting to discover more of my home country and I’m tickled pink every time I find hidden gems and fab destinations in the most random of places. When I was invited by the San Mateo/Silicon Valley Convention and Visitor’s Bureau to come and check… Continue reading Silicon Valley: Eat, Drink, Sleep, Do

Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: Way South Philly

I furrowed my brow as I tried to understand the name of our most recent food truck, Way South Philly. Ooooooooh…. Like, as in, Austin is South Philly! Har har! I looked at the menu in a slightly horrified manner as Cheese Whiz made itself known as the main topping for most cheesesteaks. At least… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: Way South Philly

Brunch in Austin
Food, Hometown Tourism

Getting Our Brunch on at Epicerie: Austin, Texas

I wouldn’t exactly say that Shaun and I are brunch people. Actually, I can count how many times I’ve been to brunch in my life… TWICE. We found ourselves at the Epicerie in Austin, Texas on an early Sunday afternoon ready to add that extra notch on our belt. More than anything I was excited… Continue reading Getting Our Brunch on at Epicerie: Austin, Texas

Food, Hometown Tourism

Food Truck Friday: Three Little Pigs

Texas may be known for beef, but that doesn't mean pork has to take a back seat 'round these parts. That is why this week's installment of Food Truck Friday has us (us, in this case, being Shaun and the roommates as Erica is still out of town) visiting the pork haven known as Three… Continue reading Food Truck Friday: Three Little Pigs

Burning Man, Information, North America, Travel

Must Know Burning Man Tips for Newbies

So it is your first time out on the playa. You get there, starry eyed, looking forward to your upcoming life-changing week, and find out that, as a newbie, you have forgotten a gazillion things that would have made your life easy-peasy. We have had a few readers contacting us about advice that we could… Continue reading Must Know Burning Man Tips for Newbies